
This illustrate a system where the user have to register and login.

Since no database is used we do not validate the password against the username.
Your username is saved in a cookie.

Language support

With Soft2print you can control the language used in the Mediaclip and Softec creation tools from your website. Any language is supported.
When you initiate a new customer session you also initiate the culture code to be used for that entire session.
In the backend you can always edit the translations but you only have to, if you want it different from our default translations.

Click on a flag to change the current culture code and then create a product, to see the new language used in the creation tools.

Current culture code is [it-IT]

German   Danish   Norsk   English   French   CZ   IT  

Creation tools from Mediaclip and Softec

In Soft2Print you have the option to use the creation tools from Mediaclip and Softec to create products.
The Mediaclip creation tools are available as HTML5 and Flash and the projects created are compatible.
The Softec creation tool is called FlexCreator and it is a HTML5 module primary for gifting products.
Please select the creation tool you want to test:
Mediaclip HTML5 | Softec FlexCreator | Mediaclip Flash

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